When Fear Drives Your Parenting

When Fear Drives Your Parenting

Fear is not all bad. If we are truly in danger, fear can save our lives. It protects us from the scary things in life. The problem comes when fear sticks around for far too long. Overstaying its welcome. Keeping us in a state of constant danger, unable to see the...
When Recurring Problems Arise

When Recurring Problems Arise

When we notice a recurring problem area with one of our children, we naturally want to fix it. So we think about it, talk to people about it, ask for advice, maybe try some different things. But how often do we simply ask the child? Get on their level, into their...
On Telling Kids What To Do

On Telling Kids What To Do

When someone wants you to do something, how would you like them to communicate that to you? “Don’t do that. Do this. Stop that. Give that to them. Put that back. Turn that off. Stay here. Sit down. Get dressed. Brush your teeth. Go to the bathroom. Eat...
Taking Care of Me

Taking Care of Me

Let’s get real. Yesterday was not a good day for me. Each one of my family members was grumpy and irritable. None of us were getting our needs met. Not for lack of trying. Things just were not working out. And at the end of the day, my husband and I both went to sleep...

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